Port Entry
For rough-weather advisories and bar information, and any other questions regarding Port Entry call Coast Guard station at Charleston: (541) 888-3266. The U.S. Coast Guard station in Bandon is open ONLY from Memorial Day to the end of September.
The guest dock is Slip C-23 on the river (north) side of the marina. It is the center 90' long berth on C-dock. Contact the Port at (541) 347-3206 Mon-Fri. 8:00AM-4:00PM for mooring fees and slip assignment. After hours and on weekends please call (541) 290-9855 for slip assignment. Diesel, Non-Ethanol gas and pumpout are available at the fuel dock on the west side of the marina. Make arrangements for fuel with Prowler Charters (541) 347-190l. For winter hours please call ahead