Moorage Agreement Form

Port of Bandon's Marina has 84 slips with water and electric available at each slip. Please contact the Port Office at (541) 347-3206 Mon-Fri. 8am-4:30pm or after hours moorage cell phone (541) 290-9855 for slip assignment PRIOR to your arrival. You can also email sends e-mail). Please do not assume that a slip is empty just because there is no boat in it. Always call the moorage cell phone before tying up in a slip. Parking for the marina is at the corner of Elmira St. and First Street next to the Bandon Mercantile. No boat trailer storage available on port property so you will want to make other arrangements for your trailer. Proof of Boat Insurance providing general liability limits, provisions for salvage/wreck removal and oil spill pollution coverage is required to obtain moorage in our marina. Please be prepared to provide us with your policy summary. Our moorage fees are based on "Length Over All" (LOA) which includes any outboard (with motor in down position) bowsprits, anchors protruding forward, swim steps, boat davits. Please be prepared with that measurement. Port of Bandon does not allow "Live-Aboard" vessels. (Live-Aboard" shall be defined for this purpose as dwelling aboard more than 3 days/week, or 10 days/month). NOTE: The 2021 moorage rates chart is posted in the forms below and is effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Port of Bandon Marina
301 First St. SE
Bandon, OR 97411